Ikea Ektorp vs. Ektorp 3.5

 Ikea Ektorp sofas. The age old debate. Whats the comparison to the Pottery Barn version? How do they hold up? Is it a good long term investment? Vittaryd White vs Lofallet Beige. Sectional vs Sofa. Old Version vs. New Version. If you google "Ikea Ektorp review" there will be 99 blog posts about why or why not you should purchase the Ikea Ektorp sofa. Well, today I'm adding a new one to the list.        Ektorp vs. Ektorp 3.5. 

After we got our second dog, Beau, I knew I wanted a couch that was washable (The dirty paws and animal hair will sell you on all the washable items any day) There were a few versions of this. However, the only ones under $2000 was the Ektorp line and a now discontinued line from Rooms to Go. So, Ektorp it was!

I am a researcher. I will read reviews and write out comparison sheets for months before I go buy something more than $200. That's exactly what happened with our couches.  I researched and looked at the Ektorp line for TWO YEARS before I made the purchase of our Ektorp sofas. Most of this delay was caused by Ikea releasing the Ektorp 3.5. (Huge wrench thrown into my comparison sheets!)  Ikea released the Ektorp 3.5 in order to cater to the XL ways of Americans. It is a taller, more comfy big mac version of the standard Ektorp. For over a year I went back and forth with which one to get, I was constantly at Ikea or on their website having internal debates about the two options. I was terrified my husband would hate the smaller standard Ektorp, but didn't really want to spend the extra $250 on the 3.5. The cost of the standard Ektorp in white is $499, while the 3.5 is $649. That was a huge difference. Plus, there was a lot of judgment against us for wanting an Ikea sofa anyway. There is apparently an unwritten rule saying you shouldn't have Ikea furniture after you turn 25. Im completely against this, walking into Ikea is like waking up on Christmas morning. 

 Then, the stars aligned for my penny pinching heart. During Christmas, on one of our many adventures to Ikea Charlotte, we came across a white Ektorp 3.5 and a white standard Ektorp in the clearance section! Obviously I had concerns for how these couches would look once they were sitting in front of each other in my living room, but I pushed the doubts out of my mind and purchased both couches for less than $500. Little did I know this was the perfect way to truly be able to give a testament to these sofas. 

Ektorp 3.5 (above)

Flash forward 9 months later. Y'all don't even KNOW how dirty your unwashable couches are. Having a white couch really shows you how gross couches get. I wash these covers literally every couple of weeks. I seriously could not go back to a regular couch, especially with animals. Washing your couch covers is just the BEST. Everything smells so fresh, the cushion gets tight like new again. I will never buy a sofa I cannot wash again. It is a necessity. 

But onto the main attraction. 

Standard Ektorp (above)                                                       

Ektorp vs Ektorp 3.5

No if ands, or buts 3.5 gets the cake all. day. long. 

Ektorp 3.5 (above)

I like both sofas very much, and by all means if the 3.5 is not in your budget I highly recommend the standard. Had I not found the 3.5 on sale, I can promise you I probably would have bought two standards and never knew or cared what I was missing with the 3.5. The main differences between the two, are the standard Ektorp's cover drags the floor a little, the bottom cushions are a little thinner, and the pleats are a little too wide at the bottom corners. All in all, its just a little frumpier looking compared to the 3.5. The 3.5 just looks more grown up. It's like the standards boujee cousin. If you walked into my living room the visual difference between the two sofas would not be extremely apparent. You would really have to pick them over. But, after having them for almost a year, I can see the differences well. 

 Standard Ektorp (above)

Some tips for Ektorp ownership:

  • Oxy Clean Bright Whites Powder and Oxy Clean Stain remover are your best friend. 
  • Do NOT dry the covers. Let them air dry, especially the base cover. If you must dry, use the delicate cycle.But ABSOLUTELY do NOT dry the base cover. 
  • Do NOT use bleach. your covers will begin to yellow and bleach will eat the fine threads, if you feel the need to use bleach, don't use a lot, and only do so every few washes.  
  • Red clay stains do not come out of anything, EVER. Perks of the South. 

One thing I do want to say is, if small stains, or discolorations bother you, I probably wouldn't choose white.  After almost a year with these couches, there are a few small spots that just will not come out. I think this is just something that comes with the territory of having white sofas, especially if you have animals or small children. I  personally like white because it can be sanitized without the risk of fading. The glorious thing about these sofas, is if you need to replace the covers, the standard is $150 for a set and the 3.5 is $249. Comparable sofa covers for other brands are close to $1000. 

I have zero affiliation with Ikea. I'm just a huge fan of their higher end furniture products. I truly feel there are many items at Ikea that just cannot be beat for the price and quality. These sofas are one of them. 
Happy almost weekend Friends! 



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