Taking it easy in 2020

Does anyone else feel this sense of slowing in 2020, or is it just me? Last night as I was laying in bed going to sleep I was of course thinking about everything under the sun. One thing that came across my mind is the fact I have done everything this year about two weeks behind what I normally would. Usually I begin decorating for fall September 1st, Halloween October 1st and almost immediately go into Christmas on November 1st. I haven't felt the need to rush into these things this year, mostly because I feel like I have the opportunity to enjoy the days more instead of constantly thinking about the next "fun" thing. There are less necessary activities and more living for the moment. AND IM HERE FOR IT. 

For the first time since I can remember I cooked everyday this weekend. I didn't feel the need to go on a fun dinner. I actually wanted to be home (Thats really saying something for me, I'm constantly on the move).  I loved every minute of this weekend, we went to a local state park and wandered around Blowing Rock, but Saturday and Sunday we hung out with some of my family and laid on the couch. I NEVER lay around but it just felt right. I feel completely refreshed coming into Monday morning.

I realize there are lots of bad things happening in 2020, but there are also lots of good things. I know my husband and I have spent much more time with family. We have went on hikes and picnics. Our home is much more organized. I truly believe it's because the outside world just isn't beckoning the way it normally would. I personally feel less tense, and more happy to just be home. 

I realize for a lot of people this time feels much less than peaceful, and I see that. With businesses failing left and right, jobs being permanently closed, and having small children at home doing school work, right now can either feel like 1 pound or a million pounds. So today I'm going to list 3 ways I slow down, when life gets too fast. 


Coffee in Bed - I'm a get it done kind of person. I don't like to lay around. I have a need to constantly be productive. One thing that I have come to do is making my coffee and going back to bed. I'll either watch some TV, scroll on my phone or just hang out with my husband and fur babies. That extra 30 minutes of nothing is so helpful to keep from feeling overwhelmed by the day.


Less screen time - I'm one of those people that can go down the rabbit hole when I'm on my phone or laptop. I could scroll through Amazon alone for the rest of my life. But that's not much of a life is it? Don't get me wrong I love online shopping just as much as the next gal, but sometimes you have to say enough is enough. Recently I have tried to instill a new habit of no screens after 8. Some days I fail at this, it's a lot harder to let go of screen time when you have a blog to maintain. However I find that not using my phone right before bed helps me to fall asleep faster, in fact I have cut melatonin supplements out almost completely, when before I had to take at least 10mg to fall asleep before 2am. 


Cooking from Scratch - I've recently gotten into cooking things in my cookbooks (before I just used them for décor). I really enjoy my time in the kitchen and cooking definitely helps me to slow down. It's also healthier and typically more affordable than a night out. I love putting my apron on and making things instead of just putting a can of Ragu in a pot of noodles. There is just something about a homemade pot of soup that feels nostalgic and homey. 

I hope everyone takes time for themselves this week as the seasons change. 
Enjoy time with your loved ones, curl up + have a good cup of coffee. 

Shelby C. 



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